Sunday, June 7, 2009

Everybody......Meet Gabriel

On Thursday 6/4/09 at 7:02pm our precious grandson came into the world. Our day began at 3am with a phone call from Vanessa. She was having contractions and they were pretty intense and about every 5 to 7 minutes. At 3:30 she called me again to say that she was ready to go to the hospital. I immediately got out of bed, got dressed, brushed my teeth, and was on my way. Her and I arrived at the hospital at 4:05am and were taken right up to labor and delivery. After being checked, we were told that she was 1 cm dilated. She was placed on monitors and given some morphine to see if she would relax and hopefully dilate more so that she would not be sent home. SURPRISE. The morphine worked. She was now 3 cm. The day went on and when she reached 4 cm she was given her epidural. She was now able to get some much needed sleep.Her midwife came shortly after the epidural and broke the bag of waters and much to her was filled with meconium (baby poop). Pretty quickly she dilated to 8cm. Unfortunately she stayed at 8 and now after each contraction, little Gabriel's heart rate was going down to the low 50's and then rising up to the high 150's. This alarmed the midwife and Doctor, and so it was decided that a C-section was what was needed to get this little angel out safely. From the first incision to him taking his first breath outside of his mommy, only took approximately 7 minutes. I was overwhelmed with emotion. I saw them cut into my "little girl", and saw my grandson come into this world. What a blessing. He weighed 6 lbs 6 oz and was 19 inches long. He is so relaxed and content. I hope you enjoy these pics and get ready for MANY more.

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